International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank
№ 1, 2005


About some aspects of seismic hazard assessment for Absheron peninsula

Babayev G.R.

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Seismic activity in the area of the Mingachevir water reservoir before and after its filling

Akhundov I.D., Muradkhanov S.A., Bagirov B.A.

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The Caspian earthquake of November 25, 2000

Gasanov A.G., Panakhi B.M., Yetirmishli G.D., Agayeva S.T., Abdullayeva R.R.

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Lithofacial zoning of the area of deposits distribution of upper group of Productive Series

Aliyeva E.G.

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Bases of non-classic linearized deformation theory in geodynamics

Kuliev G.G.

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Modeling of the oil-gas generation conditions in sedimentary section of Pri-Caspian – Guba region

Feyzullayev A.A., Ibragimov B.V., Gojayev A.H., Jabarova N.M.

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Study of the effect of formation composition and filtered oil volume on adsorption and wettability

Musaev R.A., Gashimov A.F., Jafarli S.Z., Gajieva Y.G.

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Study of the influence of heat distributions in a reservoir system at changeable temperature of injected water

Jafarov N.J., Ibragimov A.M., Kadirov R.N.

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The influence of vibration upon specific surface energy at the boundary surface of the hydrocarbon fluid-water system at various volumes of a hydrocarbon fluid drop

Abasov M.T., Strekov A.S., Abbasov M.I., Litvishkov Yu.N., Muzaffarov G.E., Gadjiev A.A.

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Stationary liquid influx to the single horizontal well in a deformed homogeneous anisotropic circular stratum

Jalalov G.I., Zhidkov Ye.Ye.

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Programme complex for taking technological decisions under conditions of uncertainty

Abasov M.T., Jafarova N.M., Strekov A.S., Efendiev G.M., Khismetov T.V., Khalzov A.A.

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The ways of prevention of ecological tension created as the result of the building of hydrotechnical constructions on Kura-Araz lowland

Khalilov T.A.

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Features of hailstorms processes in the territory of Azerbaijan

Safarov S.H.

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Landscape and vegetation of Transcaucasus in Late Miocene

Tagiyeva Ye.N.

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