International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank
№ 1, 2005

About some aspects of seismic hazard assessment for Absheron peninsula

Babayev G.R.

Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, AZ1143, Baku, H.Javid av., 119


In this study, the seismicity of Absheron peninsula was researched and the earthquake catalogue of historical destructive, strong, moderate local-, near- and far-zone earthquakes was compiled. Active fault data, target earthquakes, attenuation coefficient, soil and rock properties, geological cross-sections, the boring data of measured shear-wave velocity, ground modeling, amplification factor of the each geological unit, geomorphology, topography, base rock and surface ground motions were investigated. Defining an amplification factor of the each geological unit through shear wave velocity was important and necessary in order to apply attenuation formula for calculating Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) at base rock. The result of interpreting made it possible to identify regularities in the attenuation of intensities. Numerical modeling of target earthquakes by near and far event expressed in PGA value compared to intensity MSK-64 scale was made for Absheron peninsula that gives the possibility for estimating a level of a seismic motion and the visual seismic intensity picture of the researched area. The process of numerical modeling was done by visualization techniques applying SHAKE program and MapInfo Professional 4.5.