Editorial board
- Alizadeh Ak.A. (Editor-in-Chief)
- Kadirov F.A. (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
- Suleimanov B.A. (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)
- Guliyev I.S. - Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) Oil and Gas Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Babayev G.R. (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) - ANAS Geology and Geophysics Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Afandiyev G.M. - ANAS Oil and Gas Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Aliyeva E.H. – State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), Baku, Azerbaijan
- Babazade V.M. – Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Feyzullayev A.A. - ANAS Geology and Geophysics Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Jalalov G.I. - ANAS Oil and Gas Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Kangarli T.N. - ANAS Geology and Geophysics Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Mammadov P.Z. – Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Mukhtarov A.Sh. - ANAS Geology and Geophysics Institute, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Salmanov A.M. - SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Yetirmishli G.J. - ANAS Republican Center of Seismic Survey, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Allen Mark – Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom
- Aydın Ali – Pamukkale University, Denizli, Türkiye
- Chelidze Tamaz L.- Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geophysics named after M. Nodia, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Eppelbaum Lev V. - Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israil
- Gliko A.O. – Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Institute of Earth’s Physics named after O.Y. Shimdt, Moscow, Russia
- Ismail-zadeh A.T. – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Kalafat Doğan - Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
- Kerimov V.Y. – Russian State Oil and Gas University named after Gubkin I.M., Moscow, Russia
- Lavrushin V.Y. – RAS Geology Institute, Moscow, Russia
- Reilinger R. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA
- Takeshi Sagiya – University of Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan
- Talebian M. – Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran
- Tibaldi Alessandro – University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
- Zavyalov A.D. – RAS Institute of Earth’s Physics named after O.Y. Shmidt, Moscow, Russia
Executive Editor: Israfilova A.A., Gurbanova J.S.
Chief Printing Secretary: Abiyev H.Kh.
Design / Graphycs: Karim Nabiyev, Khalil Nabiyev
Web-editor: Rashidov Tofig