№ 1,
Features of hailstorms processes in the territory of Azerbaijan
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan Republic, Hydrometeorology national department, Research Institute of Hydrometeorology, AZ1154, Baku, H.Aliyev av., 10
In this work according to radar-tracking supervision the cell structure and evolution dynamics of the hailstorms processes observable in territory of Azerbaijan are investigated. It is established, that depending on a thermodynamic condition of an atmosphere and vertical structure of a wind in it meet single-cell storms, multi-cell storms and super cell storms processes. Multi-cell storms processes are in turn subdivided on indigested and ordered. As against other regions of the world in territory of Azerbaijan two kinds of ordered multi-cell storms processes are revealed, first of which have conditionally named normal, and the second – anomalous. Repeatability of various types of hailstorms processes changes year by year. From the considered 260 cases 8% are attributed to single-cell storms, 40%-to multi-cell storms, 19 % – to super cell storms and 9% – to hybrid multicellular-supercellular storms processes.