International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Petrogenetic role of pyroxenes in the formation of picrites of the Lesser Caucasus and Talysh zone

Mammadov M.N., Babayeva G.J., Sariyev F.H.

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Gold-bearing volcanogenic fields of non-ferrous metals of the Lesser Caucasus and the Eastern Pontides and their genesis

Babazadeh V.M.1, Abdullayeva Sh.F.1, Novruzova S.R.1, Ibrahimov J.R.2

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The use of global gravity for mapping the relationship between seismicity and geologic structure in the middle part of Aceh Province, Indonesia

Yanis M.1, Abdullah F.1,2, Ananda R.3, Syamsyudin F.1,2, Ismail N.1,2, Zainal M.1, Paembonan A.Y.4

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An application of improvised 2D geo-resistivity survey to road failure investigation

Raji W.O.1, 2, Sulaiman’ M.O.1

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Application of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) for tsunami potential mapping in Sikka District, East Nusa Tenggara

Sianturi H.L., Tanesib J.L., Louk A.C., Blegur D.I., Warsito A.

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Analysis of vulnerability and dynamic characteristics of a monolithic building using microtremor measurements

Oripov N.2, Alimukhamedov I.2, Yanbukhtin I.1, Musaev U.1, Zakirov A.1, Mamarozikov T.2

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Characteristics of geophysical fields and geophysical signs of mineralization in the Bukantau Mountains in the Southern Tien-Shan

Goipov A.B.1, Akhmadov Sh.I.1, Yusupov V.R.2

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Potential opportunities for organization of geopark in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

Kangarli T.N., Ibrahimov V.B., Rashidov T.M., Kangarli I.T.

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Landslide modeling using GIS and a statistical method upstream of Port Tangier Med (Tangier, Morocco)

Maktite A., Faleh A.

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Shale oil and gas systems of the South Caspian Depression

Kerimov V.Yu.1,3, Guliyev I.S.2, Javadova A.S.1, Mustaev R.N.3, Gurbanov V.Sh.1, Huseynova Sh.M.1

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Identification of oil families in horizons XIII-XV of Uzen and Karamandybas fields by oil fingerprinting analysis

Seitkhaziyev Y.Sh.1,2, DaumsharovА.А1.

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The possibilities of monitoring the operation of gas wells by noise measurement using a system of distributed acoustic sensors

Kolychev I.J.1, Belov S.V.1, Chistyakov N.Yu.1, Gurbanov V.Sh.1,2, Galkin S.V.1

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Thermogravimetric study of oil shales of some deposits in Eastern Azerbaijan by the method of microwave impact

Muradova P.A.1, Litvishkov Yu.N.1, Abbasov O.R.2

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Effective management of environmental risks in the oil and gas industry

Alizada E.K.1,  Bagirov А.А.2, Bogopolsky V.O.3, Shirinov M.M.4

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Petrography and geochemistry of the Lower Cretaceous Deposits of the Vandam Zone (southern slope of the Greater Caucasus): insights into paleoweathering, provenance and tectonic setting

Guliyev E.Kh.

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