International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Effective management of environmental risks in the oil and gas industry

Alizada E.K.1,  Bagirov А.А.2, Bogopolsky V.O.3, Shirinov M.M.4

1 CJSC "Ekol Engineering Services", Azerbaijan 64, 8 November Ave., Baku, AZ1026:

2-4 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan 16/21, Azadlig Ave., Baku, AZ1010:, vadim46.46@mail.ru3,

DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20240200135




The application of the corporate governance system of transnational oil and gas companies and the formation of a positive rating are based on comprehensive risk management against the backdrop of rapid technological development in the modern world. Risk factors that form the investment attractiveness rating of territories, especially environmental risks are not always taken into account while assessing their impact. From an economic point of view, managing environmental risks of projects is more effective if they are implemented at earlier stages of project implementation and organization. Unfortunately, due attention is not paid to calculating lost environmental benefits. Active risk management should be systemic but currently more attention is paid to financial risks. At the same time, recent discussions of safety declarations for hazardous industrial facilities practically allow creating a system of detailed analysis of exposure to environmental risks during the entire production period at the pre-investment, investment and operational stages of oil field development and industry enterprises. As a rule, environmental risks are not taken into account in feasibility study documentations, and managerial documents substantiating investment projects indicate the conduct of such studies at environmental impact prices. In many cases, environmental risks at oil enterprises are classified as operational risks. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of economic risks at the stages of the project life cycle has a serious methodological and practical nature. The importance of such studies is due, firstly, to possible violations of natural laws and, secondly, to natural climatic factors, risks that have a negative impact on all stages of the project.


Keywords: risk management, environmental risks, environmental safety, oil enterprises, environmental insurance, environmental protection



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DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20240200135