Characteristics of geophysical fields and geophysical signs of mineralization in the Bukantau Mountains in the Southern Tien-Shan
1 Ministry of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, University of Geological Sciences, State institution. “Institute of Mineral Resources”, Uzbekistan 64, Olimlar str., Tashkent, 100041
2 Institute of Seismology named after G.A. Mavlyanov, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan 3, Zulfiyakhonim str., Tashkent, 100128
DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20240200128
The Bukantau Mountains are located in the northwestern part of the Southern Tien Shan folded gold ore belt. In geodynamic zoning, the Bukantau Mountains are divided into the North Bukantau and the South Bukantau structural-formational zones (SFZ). They are complexly curved uplifts complicated by smaller folds. The ores of the North Bukantau SFZ form copper-zinc-pyrite with gold (Karamurun), gold-sulfide-quartz (Irlir, Dzhetymtau) and secondary copper-molybdenum-skarn (Orazaly I, II) and chromite formations. The main ore deposits of the South Bukantau SFZ are rare metal-gold ore (Altyntau deposit), gold-arsenic (Kokpatas deposit), gold-polymetallic (Turbay deposit), gold-silver (Okzhetpes deposit) mineralization, tungsten-bearing skarns and skarnoids (Sautbay deposit).
The paper contains an analysis of long-term data from complex geophysical studies of the Bukantau Mountains. The characteristics of changes in the values of the physical field of 63 objects in the Bukantau Mountains were analyzed and complexes of geophysical features and relationships with the localization of mineralization were created.
The search criteria were formulated based on a study of the features of physical fields characteristic of known ore occurrences and deposits, from the point of view of the degree of unambiguity of their reflection in electric, gravitational and magnetic fields. Comparison of remote sensing data, geophysical and geochemical data using static and metallogenic analyses made it possible to determine predictive and promising positions, confirmed by field interpretation and driving of mine workings, recommended for further geological exploration work.
Keywords: Deposits, endogenous processes, gold, structure, formation, geophysical fields, intrusive rocks
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DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20240200128