Sedimentation of the Karaganian deposits of the Western Caucasus
Pinchuk T.N., Fursina A.B.
Kuban state university, Krasnodar:,
The Karaganian basin of the Eastern Parathetis covered almost the entire territory in the Western Pre-Caucasus, with small islands on the uplifts of the Greater Caucasus. Along the southern side of the West Kuban Trough, the Karaganian basin eroded underwater uplifts and islands, with the demolition of detrital material of the Maikopian, Eocene and Cretaceous deposits. On the platform part of the Western Pre-Caucasus, the Karaganian sediments are deposited according to the Chokrakian, and to the north with erosion on the Maikopian sediments. There is an intensive accumulation of dispersed organic matter within the conditions of the advancing sea. The Karaganian deposits, in contrast to the Chokrakian deposits, are characterized by a higher content of organic carbon in clays (from 0.53 to 3.0, average 1.56%).
Keywords: organic matter, karaganian deposits, sandstones, clays
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DOI: 10.33677/ggianasconf20230300036