Study of the heat-mass transfer process considering the well-reservoir system in frac-tured reservoirs
Jalalov G.1, Rasulov M.1, Sinsoysal B.2
1 Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Oil and Gas, Department of Numerical Modeling of Intralayer Dynamic Processes, Baku, Azerbaijan:
2 Istanbul Gedik University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering 34876, Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey:
The theoretical study of oil field development processes and the creation of adequate technological schemes, taking into account the possible compound physical processes occurring in the field to ensure optimal exploitation of deposits, highlight the necessity of a complex scientific approach. Besides the geological-geophysical data required for the creation of technological schemes, obtaining the physical data of the deposit is one of the important factors. Obviously, much of these data come from wells drilled into the reservoir. The most important aspect of these studies is the investigation of the mass exchange and phase transition mechanisms of hydrocarbons, taking into account the pressure and temperature changes in the reservoir and the well during liquid filtration. In this paper, the effect of pressure and temperature changes during the processing of hydrocarbon deposits on exploitation indicators is examined by considering the well-reservoir system.
Keywords: mass-heat transfer, deformable collector, well-reservoir system, Joule-Thomson coefficient
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DOI: 10.33677/ggianasconf20230300021