International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Algorithm for determining the optimal coordinates of the water-shutoff composition in the bottomhole zone

Suleimanov B.A., Jamalbayov M.A., Ibrahimov Kh.M.

SOCAR OilGasScientificResearchProject Institute:



Watering is one of the main problems in the development of oil and gas fields. Regardless of the principle of technology, one of the indicators of the effectiveness of water shut-off methods is the stability time of the water shielding. The water shielding stability time, apart from other factors related to the water shielding composition itself and the porous medium, also depends on the distance of the water shielding zone from the well. Distances that are too remote, where the flow rates are much lower, require significant costs. And near, due to high speeds, the probability of destruction of the water shielding zone is much higher. Therefore, determining the optimal distance of the water shielding zone from the well is of interest. The purpose of this study is the development a mathematical model for the determination of the optimal distance of the water-shielding zone from the well.

Keywords: watering, water shut-off, optimal placement, mathematical modeling



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DOI: 10.33677/ggianasconf20230300006