A study of caves and their speleotourism potential in Azerbaijan
Imrani Z.T., Zeynalova K.Z., Hidayatli G.A.
Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Geography named after acad. H.A.Aliyev, Azerbaijan 115, H. Javid Ave., Baku, AZ 1143: zaur_imrani@mail.ru
Тhe caves used by primitive man as shelters and settlements are one of the places where information about the history of mankind is brought to light. For this reason the geographical and archaeological values of caves are always in the foreground. However, we should not forget the economic importance of caves and their potential for speleotourism, because in our contemporary world the economic importance of caves is very high. From this point of view the paper gives the classification of caves; emphasizes the importance of determining their status; on the basis of archival, stock and research works provide extensive information about the caves of Azerbaijan, which are distinguished by their archaeological, paleontological and stratigraphic value; make proposals for their preservation and use as examples of historical and cultural heritage; present a map of the caves of Azerbaijan.
In addition, the paper explores the use of caves as shelters by primitive people, the creation of legends and myths, the significance of shrines, sanctuaries and temples, their value as a historical and cultural heritage, as well as tourist’s attraction, the possibility of using them for sports and recreational purposes.
The use of caves for tourism is one of the main objectives of speleotourism. To this end, we have studied the potential of speleotourism in the caves registered and unregistered by the Government of Azerbaijan and proposed to passport the caves, to determine the possibility of using speleotourism services in the regulation of regional tourism based on scientific and economic research.
Keywords: natural monument, cave, speleotourism, Azykh, Taghlar, Damjili, Gazma
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DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20230100097