Analysis of geoelectric heterogeneities of Yevlakh-Agjabadi depression
Seidov V.M., Alibekova Y.T.
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan AZ1010, 20, Azadlig ave., Baku:,
Electrical exploration in Azerbaijan was carried out in sub pre-mountain and depression zones under conditions of rugged terrain relief. For these studies, an integration of magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) and magnetotelluric profiling (MTP) was applied.
In the geological structure of the study area, according to the data of deep and structural-exploratory drilling, sedimentary, volcanogenic-sedimentary and volcanogenic formations of the Meso-Cenozoic are involved, the sections of which are divided into separate lithological-stratigraphic units: the first electrical layer, of increased resistance with a resistivity of 10-20 Ohm.m, stratigraphically corresponds to the bottoms of the Upper Pliocene-Quaternary deposits; the second electrical layer, conductive, with a resistivity of 1.5-3 Ohm.m, covers a wide stratigraphic interval from the lower part of the Upper Pliocene to the Middle Eocene; the third electrical layer of increased resistance with a resistivity of 15-60 Ohm.m, includes the stratigraphic interval from the Middle Eocene sediments to the Upper Cretaceous carbonate and volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits; the fourth electrical layer, intermediate, high-resistance reference electrical horizon with a resistivity of 40-100 Ohm.m, stratigraphically refers to volcanogenic deposits of the Upper Cretaceous; the fifth electrical horizon of high resistance is identified by the surface of the consolidated crust. Processing of electrical exploration materials was carried out according to the methodology of rock anisotropic characteristic utilization.
Summarizing the research, the authors come to the conclusion that, the method of subdividing the geoelectric section allows us to refine the data on the electrical conductivity of the medium in the frequency range along the profiles.
Keywords: horizons, geoelectric heterogeneity, magnetotelluric profiling, magnetotelluric sounding, depression, section, well
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DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20220200084