International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

International scientific journal

ISSN: 2663-0419 (electronic version)

ISSN: 2218-8754 (print version)

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Study of geological struсture of Naftalan field and adjacent areas by use of seismic attribute analysis of Mesozoic deposits

Agayeva M.A., Abilgasanova L.J., Abasova P.J.

1 – Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University 20, Azadlyg prosp., Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1010:
2 – Kashfiyatgeofizika division of the SOCAR’s Department of Geophysics and Geology 10, Aliyev str., Bakikhanov settlement, Baku, Azerbaijan


 The paper is devoted to the application of attribute analysis of 3D seismic survey data in order to clarify the geological structure of Naftalan – Northern Naftalan area of Ganja oil and gas province.
It gives information about Naftalan field, which is considered to be an ancient brachyanticline type deposit in Azerbaijan. A brief history of field exploration by geological and geophysical methods is considered. It is especially noted that there are two types of oil produced in the field: heavy oil with curative properties and light fraction of oil of commercial (industrial) meaning.
Our goal was to study in more detail the geological structure of the field to detect intervals and zones of light oil accumulation. Therefore, in 2012 3D seismic survey works were carried out at the Naftalan field. With the help of geological evaluation of the data cube obtained as a result of 3D seismic data processing, the interval of deposits was selected, in which the V seismic horizon is traced, reflecting the surface of Upper Cretaceous deposits, which are confidently traced through-out the study area.
In this interval, several attributes were calculated and their results were analyzed. Attributes that are similar or weakly informative in the results of the analysis were not used in subsequent studies to avoid repetition. In order to identify and trace disjunctive dislocations of different amplitudes, the most effective attributes, such as Chaos, Variance, Ant tracking, were identified and used to clarify the geological structure of the study area. All results of 3D seismic data processing were given in the form of cubes of seismic attributes. By analyzing the attributes cubes, the geological structure of the field was studied across the surface of Upper Cretaceous deposits and the most effective attributes were selected. As a result, a structural map for V-SH (top of Upper Cretaceous) was drawn.

Keywords: attribute analysis, 3D seismic survey, seismic horizon, attribute cube, Cretaceous formations, dislocations



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DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20200200048