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The investigation of accessory mineralization of breccia in mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan as one of the ways for studying their genesis
1 – Department of Marine Geology and Sedimentary Ore Formation of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 55b, Oles Gonchar str.,Kiyv, 01601
2 – Geology and Geophysics Institute, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, H.Javid Ave., 119, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1143: ad_aliyev@mail.ru
The paper discusses the unusual mineralogical composition of the accessory minerals of volcanic breccia of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan, in particular the presence of self-originated minerals (gold, gold copper, iron, nickel, chromium, silver, and tin), many unusual sulphides, oxides and others. Additionally, unusual forms of the many minerals’ isolation, including self-originated iron, wüstite, hematite and balloons forming hollow small forms (tiny millimeter-sized particles) in breccia composition, balloons and concretions of some other elements – copper, lead, zinc; separate small druses of hematite, melted fragments of mud volcanic breccia, natural lime and others were noted.All these factors were considered as effective indicator of deep fluids on the volcanic breccia. Accessory mineralization revealed in breccia of mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan probably is a confirmation of thoughts and ideas about existence of deep plumbs. Availability of mantle fluids and inclusions in breccias of the studied mud volcanoes can be explained by their diffusion through the atmosphere and thinned thickness of consolidated crust as well as to volcanoes channels interlinked with the deep faults.
Keywords: mud volcanism, mud volcanic breccia, accessory minerals, native elements, deep fluids.
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