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Hydrothermodynamic simulation clarification of a purely-fractured strata at filtration of a gas-condensate mixture
ANAS Institute of Oil and Gas, 9 F.Amirov str., Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1000
In management of development processes, it is important to take into account the relationship of thermodynamic and hydrodynamic phenomena in the reservoir and well, as well as each specific field. The thermal field of a fractured reservoir during field development is little studied. During development, the temperature change in the fractured reservoir will occur mainly due to con-vective heat transfer and heat exchange between the fluid moving through the fractures and the blocks. In most cases, the practice of oil production deals with multiphase flows. In this regard, it is relevant to study the features of non-stationary heat and mass transfer in the reservoir, taking into account phase transitions and thermodynamic effects in the flow of gas-condensate mixture and on this basis the development of a method for assessing the thermophysical and filtration parameters of the reservoir. Within the framework of models of non-stationary heat and mass transfer during non-stationary filtration of gas-condensate mixture under gas mode, the problem of identification of thermal and filtration properties of rocks in purely fractured medium is solved. The temperature change curves at the borehole bottom are used as the initial information. The sought parameters were specified on the basis of gradient procedures using the methods of optimal control theory. Based on the model, an algorithm was developed and a program for numerical simulation of non-stationary hydrodynamic processes was created. It is shown that taking into account the non-isothermicity of the process one can estimate the desired reservoir parameters, can check the quality of interpretation and reduce the level of uncertainty in conditions of incomplete initial data.
Keywords: temperature, identification, gas-condensate reservoir, heat and mass transfer, numerical algorithm
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