Assessment of the conditions of formation and distribution of structural, lithological, stratigraphic and combined traps in the Black Sea – Caspian region
Kerimov V.Yu.1,2, Senin B.V.3, Serikova U.S.2, Mustaev R.N.2, Romanov P.A.2
1 Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Oil and Gas, Azerbaijan 9, F.Amirov str., Baku, AZ 1000:
2 Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Russian Federation 23, Miklukho-Maklay str., Moscow 117997:;;
3 AO “Soyuzmorgeo”–JSC “Rosgeologiya”, scientific and analytical center, Russia 20, Krymskaya str., Gelendzhik, Russia, 353461:
To assess the conditions for the formation and distribution of various types of traps and hydrocarbon deposits in the Black Sea – Caspian region: oil and gas geological characteristics of more than 670 offshore and continental deposits in Russia and abroad were used. The selection and generalization of the analyzed characteristics were carried out on the basis of ideas about the types of traps and hydrocarbon deposits in general and in relation to the Black Sea – Caspian region. In accordance with the definitions and characteristics of some types of traps and deposits, as well as data on deposits of different fluid composition and age of the host strata in the region, the whole set of analyzed characteristics reflecting the belonging of the deposit to a particular class is distributed in relation to two factors – structural and sedimentation (lithological-stratigraphic). It is shown that the largest number of deposits of different composition is associated with the newest (44%) and Alpine (about 40%) tectonic-sedimentation cycles and that the gas and condensate phases of the fluid composition significantly prevail in the fields of the western (Black Sea and Pont) half of the region, and oil – in its eastern (Caspian –about Caspian) one.
Keywords: Black Sea-Caspian region, trap, deposit, oil, gas, hydrocarbons, tectonic-sedimentation cycles
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DOI: 10.33677/ggianas20230100096